Feeling upset?

This survey asks questions about some difficult topics. For some people, recalling previous negative experiences can be upsetting.

If you are feeling upset, please stop and take a few deep breaths. You may wish to stand up and walk around, or even just stop the survey altogether.

You may also wish to check out this short video, which offers a 10-minute guided meditation. Meditation can be a great way to bring yourself back to the present moment and reduce feelings of anxiety or distress.

Need someone to talk to?

There are toll-free services operating 24/7, which are available for right now.

The Kenyan Red Cross runs a free and confidential hotline for tele-counselling, which can be accessed 24 hours.

You can also visit their website for more information: https://www.redcross.or.ke/Mental.

To access this service, dial 1199 (toll free).